Stuffed Pork Loin (+Others!)
I was looking back on my blog and spotted the Stuffed Pork Loin by Scott Rea and remembered how good it was, time to cook it again!
These are the previous cooks of this recipe:
The Meat:
3kg rolled pork loin from Turner and George – £26.
The Prep:
String cut, unrolled then sliced open
Stuffing in:
- Sage (Fresh if possible, dry otherwise)
- 1x Onion (chopped fine and sauteed)
- 1x Apple (Grated)
- 1x Lemon (Zest and half the juice)
- Parsley (Fresh and chopped fine)
- Breadcrumbs (handful)
- Sausage meat (1 pound)
- Salt and Pepper
Rolled back up and time to practice my butchers knots!
Then wrapped in cling film and back in the fridge
Time to Cook:
Rotisserie bar in place
Full chimney of charcoal, baskets either side and rotisserie through the middle. Yes you can use a rotisserie on the Napoleon Pro 22!
Cherry chunk for colour, potatoes underneath to cook in the pork drippings.
What a colour!
After about 2 hours it was ready. The crackling was awesome!
Time to Eat:
That Scimitar was like a hot knife through butter!
The potatoes looked fantastic too.
I really enjoy the prep and cook process for this dish but mostly the taste of it at the end. It’s not a really hard dish to make but it has the wow factor, definitely recommend it if your are entertaining folk.
I took the meat to 75°C and it was slightly dry. For quality pork like this I usually cook it to 65°C so I must remember that next time.
Cook Difficulty: | 3/5 |
Cook Duration: | Medium: 3/5 |
Cook Equipment: | Napoleon Pro 22 |
Cook Method: | Rotisserie |
Charcoal: | Whittle and Flame Ash Charcoal |
Smoking Wood: | Cherry |
Cook temperature: | 200°C |
Cook time: | 2 hours |
Internal temperature: | 75°C |
Notes: | Take it to 65°C not 75°C to keep it moist. |
Also cooked this week:
Deckle Steak:
When I saw Turner and George selling Deckle Steaks I had to get some. By some fortune that week they sent out a recipe by Richard Turner so I used that!
Deckle is the cap of rib eye and is super tasty.
Bit of salt then onto the Thuros T1 to cook direct.
Ready, at 55°C – time to rest
Served with rocket
This was a cracking meal, super tasty and one I would definitely cook again.
Chicken Satay:
Another favourite, this time by Norman Musa. Chicken marinaded then onto the skewers.
Sides and satay sauce.
Grilled direct
This is my favourite chicken satay recipe and every time I eat it I remember my time in Malaysia, another one I recommend.
This recipe is from Amazing Malaysia by Norman Musa:
QCH Burger (ish):
I think I messed my food list up as I had QCH burger on the list but didn’t have most of the stuff, then I realised I had already cooked it!
So, this turned out as almost a QCH burger using whatever I had to hand lol.
Construct the burger
Lid on.
The photos are a bit blurry but it was a lovely burger. Must make sure I have everything I need next time.
This recipe is from The Quality Chop House book:
That’s it for this blog post, some great cooks and a good week of eating! Until next time.
KUNGFUBBQ:UK BBQ Blog and Ooni Blog documenting recipe cooks from various cookbooks, my own recipes, reviews of BBQ’s and Accessories plus handy hints and tips. UK BBQ Blogs