Skillet Roasted Mechoui Chicken:
Yet another cook from the fabulous Berber and Q book by Josh Katz. Every time I cook from this book I spot another recipe I want to cook. This time it was Skillet Roasted Mechoui Chicken.
This recipe is from Berber and Q by Josh Katz:
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The Meat:
Chicken Oyster Legs from Turner and George – £7.70 for 4.
The Prep:
Chilli Pangratatto: Ciabatta blitzed to crumbs then shallow fried in olive oil with garlic and chilli flakes.
Mechoui Butter: Blackened spring onions were chopped then added to olive oil, bytter, cumin, paprika, garlic and lemon.
The butter was rubbed all over the chicken which was then left to marinate for 3 hours.
The Cook:
On the day of the cook I fired up a chimney of Oxford Charcoal Oak Lumpwood and placed my large Petromax pan on the grill to warm up before placing the chicken in. Another cast iron pan went on top of the chicken to press it down and blacken the skin.
After 5 minutes I flipped the chicken over and weighed it down again.
Bay leaves, thyme and rosemary were added to the pan and it continued to cook until the meat hit 70°C on the Thermapen.
Once the meat hit 70°C I took it off to rest.
Pan Juice Gravy: In the same pan used for the chicken I added wine, flour, lemon zest, lemon juice, confit garlic cloves (made the week before), cumin, basil. salt and pepper.
Chicken back in the pan.
Time to Serve Up:
Topped with coriander, spring onion and chilli pangratatto.
Time to Eat:
It was looking and smelling fantastic!
I haven’t cooked chicken legs for ages so this was a good one. Another tasty dish from the Berber and Q book, loads of flavours in there which all worked well together. Pretty simple to prepare and cook too.
Cook Difficulty: | 2/5 |
Cook Duration: | Short: 2/5 |
Cook Equipment: | Napoleon Pro 22 |
Cook Method: | Cast Iron Pan |
Charcoal: | Oxford Charcoal Oak |
Smoking Wood: | N/A |
Cook temperature: | Hot |
Cook time: | 15 minutes |
Internal temperature: | 70°C |
Notes: | 1: Make sure the pan is really hot before putting the chicken in 2: Add more weight to the chicken to really push it down and crisp up the skin |
This recipe is from Berber and Q by Josh Katz:
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Also cooked this week:
Flamenco eggs and pancetta from Moorish by Ben Tish:
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This was a lovely dish and a great breakfast.
Char Siu Burger from The Burger Book by DJ BBQ:
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This was so good! Quite a bit of work to prep and cook it but the awesome burger at the end was well worth it!
Lamb Shawarma Burger from The Burger Book by DJ BBQ:
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Wow, so tasty! Quite a quick and easy one to prep and cook but the end result was fantastic. Definitely recommend this one.
Spuntino Eagle Rock Dogs – My interpretation of the Spuntino dish:
Love this dish, not found a better Hot Dog recipe so far and The Butchers Dogs from Turner and George are awesome!
That’s it for this week, check back next week for more cooks.
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