Pizza Bible – New Yorker Pizza:
Anyone who has seen my pizza blog posts over the past year will know I am a massive fan of The Pizza Bible book by Tony Gemignani and most of my recent pizzas have used the same dough recipe from the front of the book every time. I took some time to read the book again recently and remembered there were loads of great recipes in there so thought I should start cooking some different dishes. Next up was Pizza Bible – New Yorker Pizza. In fact, this blog post has this recipe in twice because I wasn’t happy with it first time around!
The Book:
The dough and sauce recipe is from The Pizza Bible Book:
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Ooni Blog:
My Ooni Blog has loads of hints and tips to get the best out of your Ooni Pizza Oven:
Flour: Caputo Red Flour
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Yeast: Saf-Levure Dry yeast
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Tomatoes: San Marzano Plum Tomatoes
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6 litre food grade container with lid: I use this to bulk ferment the dough once it’s mixed
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Food grade pizza dough trays (x3): I use these to cold proof the dough balls
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Wooden Pizza Peel: Stops your pizza sticking when you launch it into the oven, needs minimal flour also. I wish I had bought one of these years ago as it’s a total game changer.
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The Dough:
The Sauce:
New York – New Jersey Tomato Sauce from The Pizza Bible book. The San Marzano tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, salt and oil blitzed with a hand blender then hand crushed tomatoes were also added.
The Fire:
Oxford Charcoal Beech Lumpwood, 2 flamers underneath, lit and left for 10 minutes. I take my dough out the fridge when I light my fire, not as long at room temperature as most people but I find the cooler dough easier to stretch and shape plus it helps with the leoparding.
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Two beech chunks on top of the lit charcoal:
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The Prep:
The Cook:

Pizza one: The kids wanted Chorizo this time as the pepperoni was too spicy for them! Sausage meat looks a lot better though.
Pizza two: More chorizo.
Pizza three: Pepperoni time, no ricotta though – think we had run out!
Pizza four: My one
Pizza five: The spare, loads of garlic oil on this one.
I really enjoyed the New Yorker Pizzas. Such a great tasting pizza and one I will be cooking more often! The dough and sauce were the usual ones I make from The Pizza Bible book and were as good as always. The 2nd run was better due to cooking the sausage meat up a bit first before putting it on the pizza. I will do the same in future for any fairly big bits of raw meat like this.
The week after I cooked this I happened to be in San Francisco, what restaurant was near my hotel?
I had to go in! I was going to get the New Yorker to see how the expert cooked it but I went for a Margherita – the menu explains why:
And here it is. Wow, it was so good and I took some notes for my own pizzas – Thinner base, thicker sauce and better cheese!
The dough and sauce recipe is from The Pizza Bible book:
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If you don’t have an Ooni Pro yet you can buy one here
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