BBQ86/17 – Pecan Pie:
Pecan Pie: We have been cooking more desserts lately, usually after the Sunday dinner has finished cooking. It’s been nice to have a dessert after we finish the main meal and good to have cake floating around during the week too! I was looking through the Hang Fire cook book for inspiration and spotted the Pecan Pie – Sold!
The Prep:
I made the pastry first by sifting flour then rubbing butter into the flour and adding salt then a bit of water. Once it was well mixed I kneaded the dough until smooth and wrapped it in cling film then chilled it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
I took a 23cm springform tin and greased it with butter then rolled the dough out into a round and draped it over the tin before putting it in the fridge to chill for 30 minutes.
I filled the pastry case with baking beans and baked it in the oven (BBQ wasn’t on just yet!) for 20 minutes at 190C. I took the beans out and baked for another 5 minutes by which point the pastry was golden. I used a knife to trim the overhanging pastry off the side and left it to cool.
Time to make the pie mix: Butter and sugar were whisked until fluffy then golden syrup and maple syrup were added with eggs, salt, vanilla extract and half of the pecan’s. This mixture was then poured into the tart case with the remaining pecan’s placed around the top.
The Cook:
The pie was placed on an upturned roasting dish in the grill to cook indirectly. I cooked it after the Burgers with Pulled Pork were finished so it cooked over Oxford Charcoal Maple wood. I also had some Pecan wood chips from Hot Smoked that I added for some extra Pecan flavour!
I checked back every 10 minutes and rotated the dish each time to try and make it cook evenly.
After about 30 minutes the charcoal was starting to die out and the temperature was dropping. The pie was still darkening but it was slowing down. I left it in for 50 minutes against the recommended 30 to 35 minutes as I was trying to get an equal colour across the top but I think I just ended up overcooking it slightly.
Time to Eat:
At 50 minutes I felt it must be ready so took it out to rest for 15 minutes. It looked and smelt good!
I really enjoyed the pecan pie, we had it with some vanilla ice cream. Went down well with the kids too!
Cook Equipment: | Weber Grill |
Cook Method: | Indirect on top of a flipped tray |
Charcoal: | 1 full chimney of Oxford Charcoal Maple |
Smoking Wood: | Pecan wood chips from Hot Smoked |
Cook temperature: | 200c |
Cook time: | 50 minutes |
Internal temperature: | N/A |
Notes: | 1: Make sure there is enough charcoal lit for the duration of the cook and to hold temperature. |