BBQ111/17: Tomahawk Steak

BBQ111/17 – Tomahawk Steak:

It’s cold again and time to start curing/smoking bacon. I put an order in with Olly from Rogers and Son for pork loin and belly then spotted the Tomahawk steak on their website. I had to order one!

The Meat:

When the meat arrived I was quite shocked how bit it was! It was so big I wasn’t sure if it would fit in the fridge or if it would fit in the BBQ! It did go in the fridge ok and it was inch perfect for the BBQ, I like to think Olly arranged for it to be cut perfectly to fit my Weber kettle 😉

The beef is Welsh beef and was aged for 31 days. Olly hand picked the meat as a prime example of the quality to be expected from Rogers and Son. I was very impressed!

tomahawk steaks

The Prep:

The mother sauce for the bone marrow mash was made a few days before. Olly sent some extra aged beef trim which provided a great base to the sauce. Everything else was exactly the same as the last time I made it in this post:

BBQ14/17: Pork Loin with Pickled Apples

I got the meat out about an hour before I planned to cook it and took it out the packaging. It looked and smelt fantastic. You could tell it had been extra aged from the smell. It really was an impressive bit of meat!

I fired up 1/3 chimney of hardwood blend lumpwood from Oxford Charcoal and poured it into a load of leftover charcoal from previous cooks. I had been thinking about the best way to cook this all week and decided I wanted to reverse sear it but I wanted to rest it at the end and not between indirect/direct cooking stages. I thought a kind of minion method would start off with a low heat and gradually build up so at the point of direct cooking there would be a good base of lit charcoal. I dropped in a lump of oak and a lump of cherry. The oak was for the smokey taste and the cherry was mainly to add a red colour.

I put the meat in on the cooler side with the fat facing the heat to try and protect the rib eye a bit.

tomahawk steaks

The Cook:

I set the iGrill to alarm at 50C internal temperature and I planned to cook the meat directly on the coals for 1m per side at that point. 

When I put the meat onto the charcoal it flared up so I put the lid on to dampen it. I only gave it 45 seconds per side as well.

tomahawk steaks

Time to Eat:

It looked like it had taken a beating from the flames along the fat but I was hoping the crispy, charred fat would be quite tasty.

tomahawk steaks

I cut into the steak and was overjoyed to see edge to edge pink. Perfectly cooked!

tomahawk steaks

The bone marrow mash was also ready.

tomahawk steaks


Quite surprised it turned out as well as it did as during the cook we had friends arrive (a day earlier than arranged!) so it was chaos in the house with 4 kids running around but I managed to catch it at 50C then sear it!

This steak had the wow factor when it was unwrapped. That continued after it was cooked and we took the first bite. The meat was incredibly tender, very juicy with a fantastic strong beefy taste. I have to say it’s one of the best steaks I have eaten. We shared it between the 4 of us and my youngest was barking for more all through the meal which is a strong vote for the quality of the meat!

The cook was simple, I would repeat this method next time. Congratulations to Olly and Rogers and Son, that is some very special beef they have down there. Highly recommend the tomahawk!

The bone marrow mash was incredible, I don’t think I can eat mash any other way from now on!

Cook Equipment: Weber Grill
Cook Method: Reverse Dirty Sear (minion)
Charcoal: Oxford Charcoal Hardwood Blend
Smoking Wood: Oak and Cherry
Cook temperature: 1/3 chimney then blazing
Cook time: 20m ish plus 10m rest
Internal temperature: 50C then 55C
Notes: Repeat as close as possible!



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